If you’re in the market for a mortgage or a refi, you’ve likely noticed that mortgage interest rates have declined to the lowest point in history. That’s created more demand on lenders, since there are way more borrowers looking for help.
Because of this, you’re likely seeing many ads from the large national mortgage companies that promise easy, online applications. In reality, these companies are actually taking advantage of borrowers. While the borrower may perceive an online company to be an easy way to get a home loan, what they don’t realize is the very, very high fees being charged, in order to buy down and get a low rate.
At Indigo Mortgage, we believe New Mexico’s borrowers have no reason to pay those high fees. This is why its important to stay local when you’re shopping for a mortgage; local lenders have a lot of incentive to give honest and ethical proposals to borrowers as they are part of our community.
Think about it, what interest does a national lender have in the Albuquerque community besides making money off your mortgage? Also, local lenders, whether in your home town or across New Mexico, are accountable; now nobody is perfect, and any mortgage company may drop the ball every now and then when things get really hectic, but we are accountable. We pick up the phone, we hear your concerns and we take appropriate action. How can you hold a national lender accountable for anything? Who are you going to complain to, who are you going to voice your concerns to? Most likely someone’s voice mail or email, with no resolution.
Indigo Mortgage is a trusted local lender serving New Mexico since 2003. If you’re ready for a refi or looking to purchase a home, call us and see what low rates are available.