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How to Avoid Unsolicited Loan Inquiries

When you’re in the market for a new mortgage or to refinance your loan, or even if you’re about to purchase a new vehicle, there’s something important you should know: The instant that a mortgage broker or any lender pulls your credit as part of that application process, the major credit reporting bureaus (Experian, TransUnion,

Unaccountable Lenders

Recently the team at Indigo Mortgage has had feedback from several local real estate agents who have said they really don’t like working with big national lenders like the “Pocket” sounding company or that Veterans Divided VA home loan lender. The number one reason they give is that those large national mortgage lenders are not

Local vs National Mortgage Lender

Recently we have been talking about some of those big internet lenders like that one that should be called Veterans Divided, and another, the Pocket sounding lender. These large national mortgage lenders aren’t the best option for many homebuyers. Here are a couple of examples, what we think shows the proof is in the pudding

Qualifications for a Bank Statement Loan

When trying to qualify for a mortgage loan, some self-employed borrowers can show great cash flow in their business, but do not show enough income on tax returns to qualify for a mortgage. And most mortgage lenders use those tax returns as the vital part of the qualification process. Indigo Mortgage has a great program

Don’t Settle for a Mortgage Application Taker

Many prospective home buyers or people wanting to refinance may have never done a mortgage application before or it’s been some time since they did an application. And because of today’s higher mortgage interest rates and uncertainty, borrowers can be uneasy about applying for a mortgage. In an age of electronics and computers, it’s becoming

Be Ready for Lower Mortgage Rates

Since early in 2023, we’ve seen higher interest rates for mortgages, across New Mexico and the United States. Rates reached over 7.50%, a dramatic growth from the 2.50% rate we saw in 2020. Now as we approach the summer of 2024, in the short term, high interest rates are persisting but most experts believe that

Broker vs Bank: How to Get the Best Mortgage

If you’re in the market for a new home loan or to refinance, it’s important to distinguish between a mortgage lender and a mortgage broker. Loan officers at a mortgage broker (like Indigo Mortgage) actually work for the borrower, while loan officers from a mortgage lender represent the bank. If you’re applying for a mortgage

The Sad Truth on VA National Lenders

The sad truth for veterans is they have been led to trust in one of the biggest names in the mortgage industry, one that says it provides the most Veterans Administration loans each year. But we have found that a company like this that say they “unite veterans” is actually dividing veterans from their money.

Bank Statement Mortgage Loans

If you’re self employed and trying to purchase a home, you might find that some mortgage processes are harder for you. Some lenders are hesitant to loan hundreds of thousands of dollars to a self-employed business owner, especially if your company is not very old. At Indigo Mortgage, we have access to mortgage loans that

Source of Funds in a Mortgage Loan

When preparing to buy a home that will have a mortgage, borrowers are required to come up with a down payment and closing costs. That money can come from different sources. The first is the borrowers have saved the money and have it already in a checking or savings account. The next way is that