In today’s mortgage market, whenever one lender pulls a credit report on a borrower, the credit bureaus (Experion, Equifax and Transunion) then sell that borrower’s information to unscrupulous internet lenders who then try to solicit borrowers already in a mortgage application with another lender. At Indigo Mortgage, we call these internet lenders “bottom feeders”. Here’s
Tag: local lender
In the process of buying a home, whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or you’ve purchased several properties, there are many different parties involved in the financing process for a mortgage. There’s usually a seller, a buyer, two realtors, a Title company, and the Lender. Once the seller has accepted the buyer’s offer, those parties all
With COVID -19 disrupting the mortgage market, there have been many unexpected changes. Below is an update as to where things are in the mortgage industry, according to the Indigo New Mexico team. As consumers know, mortgage interest rates have declined and are currently the lowest in history. With that being said, there are still
With everything going on, it is important to stay patient. This is something we want to encourage our mortgage borrowers to do when going through the process for a home loan. Here’s why. The mortgage market is currently experiencing a lot of changes. This is due to the effects of COVID-19 on the production side
There have been many changes in the world recently. Those changes include fluctuations in home mortgage rates. Here’s how Indigo Mortgage can help borrowers lock in lower rates with our Ticker List. Consumers will be happy to know that rates have finally come down and are starting to reach the historical lows we saw about
Finding and getting a mortgage is a lengthy process. Many national institutional lenders promote their fast pre-qualifications and ease of use, but do they really make the process easier? Getting a mortgage isn’t like buying a pair of shoes online, it’s not a quick, one-time interaction. You will inevitably need to communicate with your lender, realtor, seller,